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Home Biznes, Finanse Tax Refund in Poland: Important Information

Tax Refund in Poland: Important Information

by Sunliss

The taxation system in Poland is known to be multifaceted , thus taxpayers seek understanding of methods of tax reimbursement .

Reimbursement of paid taxes in Poland are possible for both individuals and legal entities . The primary reason for seeking a refund is overpayment of taxes , that happens in different situations. VAT tax refund In what cases is a tax refund possible?

There are several situations where a resident can claim reimbursement of taxes:
Excessive tax payment : Often , taxpayers excessively pay taxes due to errors in their reports .
Favorable tax conditions: Certain deductions can lower the amount of tax liability, which in turn creates the conditions for reimbursement .

Change in circumstances : If the income of a taxpayer fluctuates during the year, this can affect the amount of taxation, resulting in the possibility of a refund of overpaid taxes .
VAT Refund
Firms listed for VAT may request reimbursement of VAT on certain expenses . To request a refund, a company must comply with the following procedures :
Maintaining up-to-date reporting: VAT return must be provided monthly within 25 days after the end of the month .

Filing online : Tax documents are sent via the web via the portal of the Polish tax authority (KAS).

VAT Refund Application: A firm is entitled to claim a VAT refund through its monthly reporting . The tax authority will reimburse the refund amount.

How quickly is VAT refunded?
VAT reimbursement timeframes depend on a number of factors :
If the application is made to the organization’s tax account, the refund is issued within 25 calendar days .
Compensation to a bank account occur within 60 days if the company declared revenue in that month .
If there was no revenue, the reimbursement is refunded within 180 days .

CIT Refund
Companies registered in Poland are required to contribute corporate income tax (CIT). The corporate tax reimbursement process involves certain steps:
Timely submission of tax reports : The corporate income tax declaration (CIT) must be submitted by March 31 of the year following the reporting period .
Filing online : The CIT declaration is sent through the KAS website .

Applying for a refund: The firm submits for a refund of overpaid tax through the CIT declaration .
If the request for a refund is deemed valid , the tax office will return the money within the agreed timeframe .

Advice from Tax Experts
Given the complexity of the taxation system in Poland, many residents and firms seek assistance of tax consultants .
Tax specialists can support taxpayers maximize their refunds and reduce their tax liabilities .

Our firm , assists with any matters related to tax procedures and represents the interests of clients before the tax office of Poland. If you have any want to consult, please contact us at:

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